Aug 11, 2008 10:29

*sigh* I never know what to label these posts. I really should be removing brains right now, but I just don't feel like it. *sigh*

At least things seem to be going well as far as the whole work injury thing. I'm on several drugs right now (which I am mostly opposed to, but they are helping) and getting novocain injections into my muscles, which hurts like crazy and causes me to panic. But it is working. I've been feeling much better since them, so hopefully I'll be back to normal (for me) in a few months. And the fact that I can embalm again made DG (my boss) very happy. He came in on Friday and was on Vicaden because he cracked a back molar o he wouldn't have been able to. I told him it wasn't fair that he could be on Vicaden and not me, since I had a root canal last week.

Beerfest was insanely fun, and even though I didn't get to go to Pennsic or Convergance at least I got to go to that.

Kinda made up for being hit by a car while riding my bike to work on Thursday. Whoever hit me took off, and people on Ashland were driving around me as I was laying on the road trying to get my breath back, but no one stopped. @ssh0les. And my bikes all screwed up. I managed to fall in a way that the bike and my backpack took the brunt of the damage (yay years of fight training) but I still have a bruise on my chest from where I hit the handlebars.

Cristos came back yesterday afternoon and pretty much immediately jumped into the shower. Reu comes back from Tampa tonight, and I'm gonna go get him from the airport, even though he doesn't understand why anyone would want to pick him up when he could just get on the Blue Line to come home.

Welp, I better go water my brains.

Oh yeah, hi everyone, I'm still alive.
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