I have drank- drunk- dranken- drinky-drangle-doodle-deee...

May 21, 2007 00:12

Hospital coffee is terrible.

Yet I cannot stop drinking it.

Seriously, though, Roz's in the hospital now, so I'm on 'watching-Roz-so-Futch-doesn't-skip-work-and-get-fired' duty. It's kind of boring, because Roz is unconscious, I don't really know her mother, and I'm avoiding talking to Carla very much at all other than to ask her what time it is or if she'd like another coffee because I'm on my way to pick myself up yet another cup of watered-down GOD.


Mmmmmmmm, coffee.

Coffee-boffie-toffy- bananafana fo foffy, Fi-fie-fo coffee!

I've had 11 cups.

I'm sure that's bad for me.

I bet I'll have to go to the bathroom like 6 times today.

I need a sandwich. But hospital sandwiches are naaaaasty.


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