Last night Jeff and I watched: Walk Hard: The Dewey Cox Story. What a piece crap that was. How did anyone find this funny! After 15 minutes of the movie I wanted to turn it off. Jeff says that his co-workers said it gets better after the beginning. I was slowly dying. After 40 minutes Jeff say let's turn it off. Yay! Good thing we had Six Feet Under season 3 to wash it down.
Lately I been birding. Mariel and her husband Angel sent me a bird feeder for Christmas. It took about a week for them to start hanging out on the feeder. Now I am hook.
The newest bird I saw was on Tuesday : American Pipit.
Today I think I saw a song sparrow. I am not sure. I took some pictures sent them to Mariel and Angel to check it out.
There are two of them in this shot...