Nov 17, 2005 09:13
so it has been a long time since i wrote in this. dont realy no what to say but i thaut i would write something. i only worked two hours last monday and had the rest of the week off. i didnt work cause i had mono and it was horrible. alma came over as much as she could and that helped. i am almost over it i think. but for this week i went in monday, and went in tuesday, but at almost 2 on tuesday they sent me home cause i needed a note that said i was ok to work again. they are that dumb they let me work almost two days then tell me i need a note. so i guess im not working again today cause i cant get the note until about 12. it sucks but o well.
3 day work week next week cant waite for that. i have thursday and friday off and paid too. i like thanksgiving. i think i am going to have a fire on thanksgiving night if anyone wants to go. just let me know.
i got two new tires for my truck, only like 250 about a hundred dollars cheaper than last time i got them so i am happy about that.