im going to burn this mother down

Mar 09, 2005 00:10

tonight at work we lost power again. it was awsome and creepy at the same time. no flood lights or emergency lights come on at all, anywhere in the building. so that is the best part. it always seems to sno on my birthday. i got to talk to a couple people at work last night that i havent talked to in a while. that was good i stayed about 1 hour after but i was still logged in so i get some overtime for just talking. it is way too windy out there tonight, i cant waite for s. carolina in april, and then n. stratford in may. any one want to go with me on that trip? youll have to bring a fourwheeler if you do.

o and twards the end of this month i am planning on having another big fire if you want to go just call and let me no.
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