(no subject)

Aug 05, 2013 15:17

Well, shit, he's sick again. Now looking at changing his diet, plus I need to take him in to the vet for the next 3 mornings for subcue fluids because I'm incapable of administering (big long needle, gack). He was fine yesterday! ::cries:: Well, he's OK today except for that. When I left him he was in the basement and was cranky about having gone to the vet so he didn't want to try the new food I was sent home with, but at least he wasn't in and out of the litterpan (his bladder was empty at the vet's), he'd had a pain pill and an acidifier, and his sisters were talking to him (he headbutted Zia so hard he knocked her over). But he's down 0.5 lbs since July 23rd. Poor Cesare.


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