
Apr 24, 2012 22:17

Dear Cesare, please stop walking on my chest. I know you like to walk and sit on the squishiest part of me, but not only does it kinda hurt because you're 11 lbs +, but you're usually blocking my view of my book/manga/tv show.

Dear Zia, I wish you'd take your medicine like a man, instead of a tiny terror that hates having liquid put down her ears. Also, please stop shaking your head when I do actually get some drops down, because I don't want to wear that crap either.

Dear Chiaro, please stop stealing my watches off my dresser and leaving them on the floor. I suppose I should be grateful you haven't chewed through the straps yet, but one of these mornings I'm going to step on the watch and break it. So stoppit, you little goober.

Of course, none of my complaints will be answered. I just feel like griping.

cats behaving badly

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