Jun 20, 2005 07:43
Everything went well with my endoscope on Friday. Fred is dead, or completely healed as the Doc put it. I enjoyed the drugs immensely. I went to bed around midnight and slept until 10:00 am the next day. I am going to guess that there was still some in my system, because that is really very late for me.
My little ex dog is completely recovered from his suicide attempt and I babysat him on Friday. I will be staying for a week at the ex's house next week to baby-sit him and look after her house while she is out of town. These house sitting gig's are really working out for me, I enjoy getting away from the sister.
She (the sister) came back from Mexico late last night and I only saw her briefly this morning. I will have to wait to see if any souls were saved.
Hope everyone has a good day today!