Better living through pharmaceuticals...

Jun 07, 2005 07:20

Bed hopping has hurt my back. It isn't as interesting as it sounds :) I am finished housitting for my ex, so I went and stayed this weekend with Jonah. Last night was my first night back home in my own bed, and my back is super messed up today. I think that three different beds in a week might be too much for my old bones. I am getting the lower back spasms and everything, and due to Fred, that bastard, I can only take Tylenol for the pain. Tylenol= worthless.

I am still house hunting and not enjoying it one little bit. I have seen some things. *shudder* Talk about being able to polish a turd with a picture... you can have a very cute picture of a house and manage to not have Cletus, the neighbor across the street, who is sitting on his front porch in a bath tub drinking beer in the shot at all. I have made the decision that no matter how cute the house, or how good the deal, I will not be able to thrive in a neighborhood where Confederate flag living room curtains would not raise an eyebrow. Hey, I like goats and outside refrigerators as much as the next guy, but I have to draw the line somewhere.

I am agitated and in need of additional medication. Maybe the stomach doctor will give me some Xanex? I doubt it, he is quite an asshole. Fred goes to have his picture taken again on the 17th, so I will at least get some Vercid, and will ask Dr. Butt munch for some anxiety quelling magic pills.

I must get back to work... hope everyone has a wonderful week!
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