Cave dweller

May 24, 2005 09:03

My appointment with the realtor was changed to tonight at 6:00. My skin is dreadful from the stress, the worst it has ever looked. I have the calling in sick kind of zits. They can't be concealed. I need to get this over with or find a cave somewhere to hide my ugliness from unsuspecting people and small children. It is that deep.

Baby kitty has her first vet appointment today. The vet advised that she wasn't 6 weeks old if she still had blue eyes. They guessed her at 3 or 4 weeks. I wonder what they will think once they get a look at her. I have never seen such a chubby kitten. I hope that her worming doesn't cure her of her round figure. J is throwing around various names, but Jabba (spl?) seems to be most fitting. She is a little maniac, she runs toward the couch full speed and leaps into the air, attaching herself to the upholstery and then drags herself by the claws to the top. She is a presence.

Does anyone have any plans for the holiday? I will be doing something to avoid all of our local and visiting white trash. Do hate crimes count if they are committed against white trash? This should be my last weekend house sitting. I have mixed feelings about going back "home". I won't miss taking my little ex dog out to potty, because he is a real messer and a pain in the butt. I haven't missed my grouchy sister one bit, maybe she managed to get someone to screw her and has a slightly smaller stick up her butt now. Ahhh a girl can dream
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