fucking bitch.

Dec 08, 2003 22:33

well well well .. i really don't know where to start updating from , the weekend was wIe i didnt dOo shyt my baby was djing the whole weeknd but we chilled sunday ;] umm todayy schOol was str88 except when i got c.s.i bc of some stupid ass fucking bitch , i've had problems wI this qirl since the 7th qrade cuz of some quy we both liked or wIe da fuck itz stupid ass drama but she still with it ohh & some shyt dat she qoez qiOo 10 $ but thats not really important wIe i went to qOo qive katrina 10 $ she lent me & tOo qOo visit my babez in second lunch sOo wIe qiOo and I qot mad at each other and we started to walk our different ways cuz da bell was about to ring anyway i had to qet back to class sOo that fucking qirL and her friend dat i also don't like for some other reason that has nothing to do wI her sOo yahh im walking right and the fucking bitch bumps right intOo me i was like wtffff dOn't pushhhh meee in her face and she was just holding my hands and shyt shez like " relaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaax " i'm like don't fucking push me bro wtfff and shez like " if u wanna dOo something .... " & i gOo if YOU wanna dOo something u know where i live and wIe i don't even remember how it ended shyt happend so fast wIe qiOo caught up to me hez like babe wat happend ? and i hear him calling her a mutt and stuff in da backqround lol sOo wIe were talking and da security and her our coming over & qiOo leavez and hez walking us to the principals and i was screaming at her sayin shez a fucking mutt and shez dirty and dat shez lOw shez like if i wanted to fuck u up i wud of. All this shyt mind u shez chunky and short im skinny and 5'3 i believe wIe i think shez bigger but shez always been a pussy soo wIe we get to the office the qirl is liengggg sooo qOod man i swear i had to qive to her .First ms. chamizo the principal asks one of us to say da story and she qoes her first ofcourse so later on from wIe i said she cud lie sOo i said da truth she lOoked str88 at me and bumped into me she told ms. chamizo she didnt even see me she did it by mistake and that she was qrabbinq me so i wudnt hit her & dat she told me that she didnt know she had bumped into me she didnt realize it .. FUCKING LIAR ! wIe broo she was talking so much shyt bringing up my boyfriend and stuff im like o shut da fuck up wIe we qot c.s.i for da rest of the day 2 periods left they went by fast qiOo brouqht me my stuff he had qone to pick it up at my spanish class he sOo cute ;] and when we were leaving c.s.i she said hi to him all sarcasticly and shyt fucking hoe. lol wIe i'm just mad cuz she was talking a lot of shyt to my qio before and now that i told her something and told her COME TO MY HOUSE U KNOW WHERE I LIVE and she didnt show up . That pisses me off and da fact i missed two periods of class. come pinga. wIe after all da commotion me and qiOo we're chilln at my casa we left a lil while after qo to his house qet his cd players qo pick up his mom exchange da cd players go back to his casa he ate and came back to mine he did his h.w and we talked wI my momma for awhile and den he left .. That was my day tadaaaaaaa :]
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