
Jan 31, 2007 18:03

Hey everyone

We've been here a few days now and enjoying it so far. Started my new job on Monday and its good so far, but we're only doing office work atm. Basically we've been writing letters to principals and parents and calling schools to arrange times to make our visits to the deaf kids. It's actually more time-consuming than it sounds. We won't be starting to see kids until our timetables are all arranged, so probably next week.
Anyway I've got the Collie and Darkan run, so that means I'll be travelling to Collie twice a week and Darkan once. I've also got kids in Australind, Eaton and Bunbury so it's good.

Chris starts at Liquorland on Friday but he's got decent hours for the first 2 weeks. He's also applying for a job with the Department of Housing and Works so hopefully something good will come out of that.

Tonight we're going to my friend Nicky's for dinner. She and I studied the Teacher of the Deaf course together and then got a job together! So that's gonna be fun. Gottta leave soon.

Our furniture is coming on Friday so we'll be able to move in then, just in time for the 40 degree weather again yay! :P

Anyway hope everyone's doing well! Update again soon.

work, friends, moving

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