Whew, what a busy day I had! Had to get up early and go to uni all day because we had presentations for our Professional Practice unit. Each of us had to present 2 things: a professional development presentation that we'll be likely to use in the future for classroom teachers and a case study/profile of a deaf student and their language and communication. Both presentations are 20min each and there are 4 of us, so it took all day. My PD presentation was on 'The Role of the Educational Interpreter" and my case study was about a girl I'd taught on prac. Our lecturer/course co-ordinator said we all did really well, despite us all being completely nerve wracked!
After that I went to Chris's house and we wasted time with playing the guitar and chatting and stuff until later on when we went to my best friend
moof_mum's house for a games night. There was also a couple there who are friends with moof_mum and her husband and I'm friends with the girl. That couple are getting married a week before us, so moofy is a bridesmaid twice in a row! We had fun eating pizza and playing trivial pursuit and then battle of the sexes. Moofy's baby daughter Hannah wouldn't go to bed and kept toddling out to say hello. She's so cute. We kept making a "ba-bow!" noise to each other when someone got a question wrong and Hannah would copy us, so cute! Eventually she went to bed but not after being told off! hehe :)
Tonight I'm leading the service at church, so after sleeping in until 10:30 I got up and organised the things I was going to say and I've been on here catching up with my flist ever since! More assignments to come, see ya when I see ya!