Write a journal entry for this meme with six random facts about yourself. Then pick six people off your friends list and tag them - no tag backs. These rules should be included in your entry.
1) I have been thinking about friends from school recently. Not just high school but even primary school too. Wondering how they are and what they're doing. Wishing we kept in touch.
2) I can't eat most foods because they're high in protein and I have
PKU which means I can't metabolise the amino acid phenylalanine as fast as someone without PKU. So if I eat foods high in phenylalanine, it builds up to dangerous high levels in my bloodstream, which kills brain cells. Anyway I can only eat fruit, vegies and specially made PKU foods such as special pasta, flour, bread, biscuits, chocolate etc.. But I cheat a lot since it doesn't matter as much now I'm older, lol.
3) I used to write poetry all the time in high school but I haven't for a long time.
4) I get tired easily because I'm anaemic because I can't get iron from meat.
5) I've lost 11kg in the last year!
6) I'm getting married in January!!!!!!!!!!!!
Edit: oops I forgot to tag people! lol, so I tag
twichie spider_gurl endless_motion kirsterellie chpxpx miekah (This meme is a great procrastination tool, hence the userpic which I burst out laughing at when I first saw it)