Apr 20, 2006 20:51
I am having a pretty good week so far. I came home from housesitting on Monday and had the BBQ that night. Was good to see my cousins and aunt and uncle again. Since Tuesday I've had uni from 9-4 every day. And I don't mean with like 2 -4 contact hours separated by 3-5 hours, I mean 9-4 with a 20 minute morning tea and 1 hour lunch.
It sounds pretty full on (and it is!) and daunting, but the truth is, I'm loving it!. The unit I'm doing for this 5 day block is Audiology, which is the study of the ears and how they interpret and process sound, allowing us to hear. We've looked at the anatomy and physiology of the ear (right down to tiny minute detail), audiograms (hearing tests), tympanic audiometry (detecting if theres anything wrong with the middle ear (just behind your eardrum)), hearing aids and cochlea implants and all the necessary tests and all the ethical and other issues associated with these. It's such a fascinating subject.
As I learn more about the ear and its structure and how it works I am amazed and I recognise the absolute intricate and deliberate DESIGN involved in the whole auditory system. Did you know our ear is not just the outside shell but it goes several cm into your head and contains many tiny organs and bones that all work in a specific way to deliver sound and transfer it through a nerve to the brain, which tells you what you heard? Did you know that the thing which makes people deaf is that the TINY little HAIRS inside the cochlea have been flattened and don't stand up like they should? This is NOT something that has just fallen together or developed over time. This is DELIBERATE DESIGN and I just cannot understand how people can learn about things like this and deny the existence of God. I marvel at His creation more and more as I learn all about it.
And God has given us spectacular brains to be able to do things about problems we face. The amount of detail and mathematics and science and precision involved in making a hearing aid or a cochlear implant is just boggling. Those tiny little devices can do SO MUCH for people who have all degrees of hearing loss. An operation to insert a cochlear implant which used to take 7 hours and result in a large scar and a partially shaved head now takes 35 minutes with no scar and only a tiny shaved area. It's incredible what God has enabled us to do to help ourselves. I am impressed and loving the course.
cochlear implants,
hearing aids,