the motto on the marquee

Aug 03, 2006 04:01

definitely is reading "PROVE IT!"

this is something i am learning and something i am learning about!

can't just go around flapping the gums thinkin everything will be alright if you just smooth it over with some sweetly placed flattery... it doesn't cut it. i mean, maybe it does for a quick fix, but soon the wound re-opens and needs the balm again. you can't just rinse it under the water and bid 'good day' and be on your way. it'll only collect more dirt and become infected. it need protection. it needs safety. it needs healing. it needs love and action. action action action.

i am a person that greatly desires words of affirmation. i love hearing that i look good, or that someone is proud of me for something, or that i did something wrong. i need to HEAR those things. you can't just expect me to do something without telling me. if you've got a problem with me but don't let me know, then i won't know. i need to be told. BUT THEN once told, there needs to be an action. you can't say you love me and then go and not show it. you can't say you love someone but not be sensitive to what makes them hurt. that's not love. it just ISN'T. it's not fair either. love involves sacrifice. patience, peace, you know the whole Chapter 13 shpeel from Corinthians. Love is...

and i am learning about this with myself in that i need to take much more action with those around me to whom i say "i love you". my family for instance. my brother and sister have helped me out SOOO much since i moved up here. but i rarely show them that i love them for their love or that i appreciate them. my words haven't been showing themselves well recently. i need some Help with it all.

anyway... make your words count, basically. don't throw them around. take the initiative with what you say. make them mobile. don't let them fall to the ground, a stagnant puddle of verbage.

i want to love stronger. more beautifully. more abundantly. more graciously. more sacrificially and selflessly

1 John 3:18 says, "Little children, let us not love in word or talk but in deed and in truth."
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