
Apr 04, 2005 11:13

My frenid rach applyed to _are_you_a_dork and got harshly rejected.
She took it kinda bad, and made a whole post about how could they reject here on like natpoial digmight and saying the REAL defintion of a dork. I dunno.
So then I apllyed and thus..
I also got rejected.
Anyways her journal isrecklessnova

~~Also I'm thinking I need to get a Advertizing agent. This commuity has been slowly dieing for a while and its basicaly becuse no one is applying and no one applys when I don't advertize. I don't have enough time to advertize so I need someone to do it for me. If your intrested fill out the applcation below and post it here.

My advertizing agent applcation

My name:
My LJ Name
Why do I want to be the advertizing agent?
How and what and where will you advertize. Like basicly where will you advertize and how often.
10 links to where you have advertized this commuity.
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