could life be any better....
like possibly?
welppp anyways. michelle is home finally. and elizabeth comes home today, and my world will rotate at a normal rate again. so lets go back, wednesday got out of work late, after planning to go on a doubble date with sebrina and stephen, and the power went out, and so we went out to stephens cause he HAD power, so 10 minutes later, nick's apartment catches fire, and has terrible smoke damage. the next day, we go to get food and get in a car accident. he makes me smile more than anyone in the world could. its amazing. i truly never thought that another person could like really bring someone happiness. like really...whatever. i have so much homework i have to do its going to suck mad balls...wahhh i love this so called life i have right now. although i would like to not have half as much homework and have more time to be with my friends elizabeth, amber, michelle, and matthew. but whatever.