Fri, 19:13: Fuck, Isner's serve stats are incredible.
Fri, 19:15: RT @ Noleksa: Kitten hair must be seething under that hat.
Fri, 19:56: RT @ unseededlooming: Isner's inability to deal with these three-quarter paced serves from Djokovic is actually comedic. Genius from Novak.
Fri, 21:53: So... usually, when Nole goes out in a competition I'm heartbroken but tell myself, I have Andy, he's British right. Then he goes out. #why
Fri, 21:54: So third option is Rafa but since he's winning so much it's like no, stop winning so much. inb4 no.1
Fri, 21:54: RT @ _bagel84: Novak is criticized because he played awful tennis today but that doesn't mean we're gonna stop supporting him. Learn the dif…
Sat, 02:09: RT @ tory_nolefan: oh great :( MT "@ SI_BTBaseline: Short and terse from Djokovic. "Was it mental or something physical?" "A little bit of bo…