Grateful to be alive....

Oct 18, 2007 11:57

Thank you for proving my point...

life is pretty good right now. its actually really nice to have my own house now. I had planned on living there alone for a while when i first bought it but it didnt turn out and now i have to pay the mortgage by myself for one month but i can handle it for at least 3 or 4 months before it becomes an issue and its really worth it anyway to have my own space.

Chris and i are doing really well... I only get to see him on the weekends but im okay with it for now because we are both really busy but in the next month or so he is quitting his second job and moving in with me and then starting school in January. Knowing someone for so long, and really caring about them and then actually getting to be with them is just so great. I just already know his temperment and the kind of person he is and the rest is cake... its really the best thing that has happened to me in so long.

I definitely feel like i have my life on track right now.... school, though boring, is really fun and i am just kind of flyin through it, not to say its not hard sometimes, but i just dont fret about it, life is too short and my life is good right now so finishing school asap is not vital to my happiness, I will finish and it will be great but i dont worry too much about it. I have my own house which is a huge source of my happiness right now because i really am so proud of myself for doing it alone. My family is starting to do better than ever. My sisters boyfriend has turned into a really great guy in the last year away from Muskegon at school and my sister will be a cosmetologist in like a week. My brothers girlfriend i consider one of my best friends and sisters and my brother is just working really hard to get his life back on track. My dad might work a 20/hour job at cannon, they said he did Phenomenal job on the test he had to take... and my mom well i never worry about her... She is the most amazing woman i know.... And, well, I stopped caring about guys and then one showed up the way they always say it works... and its amazing

Life is so good!!!

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