How much of a dirty Republican am I?

Mar 09, 2006 22:29

War on Terror-good
War in Iraq-good
Troops dying in Iraq-bad
Exit Strategy-who cares?
Possible war in Iran-could be fun
Dubai Port Deal-good
Gay Rights/Marriage-good
Abortion-I'll give you abortion if you give me dead baby jokes
Social Security Reform-dumb
Patriot Act-good
Encroachments on Civil Liberties-Who is really keeping track?
President George W. Bush-funny to watch and not very intelligent
Cheney shooting a guy-not news
Abbramoff/Libby/Delay scandals-bad
No Child Left Behind-dumb
Gas alternatives to automobiles-good
Ted Stevens-scary old guy
Pat Robertson-probably needs his meds
Our Ginormous Defecit-someone should do something about it
John Mccain-not really a republican anymore
Affirmative Action-I dont think it is necessary anymore
AIDS-not a foreign problem anymore
Vote OR Die-not really
Katrina-Alright, I will admit it. Bush (amongst others) fucked up.

So, feel free to add to my excuse to not do calculus list.

Mccain in 08?
I'd/am voting for him.
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