Aug 04, 2009 01:51
i just realized tonight, after yet another viewing of frost/nixon(which should have won best picture 2008) why the film slumdog millionaire has no relevence in life(mine anyway) and didn't deserve the the academy awards it received. those of course being best picture and best screenplay.
i don't believe in karma. i believe someone who is intrinsically good can be shat on their whole life and never tip some cosmic scale that will suddenly rain down good fortune. i also feel the opposite to be true, that someone innately evil can be smiled on by the fates and have the world handed to them on a platter with no negative, reprecussive explosion waiting around the next turn. i feel to think otherwise is absurd.
i believe in cause and effect. that for every action there is an equal and opposite reaction. i believe that even if you do paint God into the picture that he will still be bound by the same governing universal laws, he also will be bound by cause and effect. what's going to stop a random stranger from clubbing me over the head tomorrow, kidnapping me, and slowly torturing me until i drip my last drop of blood, aside from his own personal decision not to do so? it's not like God is going to physically stop him because, "oh, he just got done recovering from 2 different accidents. oh, his love life is completely worthless and nonexistent right now. oh, his job sucks. oh, his living situation is nearly uninhabitable. i've screwed with his life enough. let's not let gaear grimsrud screw him over today. short circuit his wood chipper too while you're at it." (i'm trying not to interject personal religious beliefs on this issue)
i suppose my point is that slumdog is too capricious a story based too heavily on the childlike belief that because because jamal malik had been shat on his whole life that he would haply be put in the exact circumstance that he would need to be in to become a millionaire and live happily ever after with the girl of his dreams because life is always fair. it's too fantastical a fairy tale to be taken as seriously as the world has taken it. i was waiting for him and latika to fly off into the sunset on falcor as they rolled credits.
i don't know what i'm saying any more...i'm tired. i just know that this is quite possibly the most critically overrated film of all time.
end of line.