Title: The Dew of Summer
yukinoomoniRating: T+
Characters: Mai and Zuko, assorted ensemble and an OC.
Pairing: Mai/Zuko, some hints of Toph/The Duke, Aang/Katara and Suki/Sokka
Warnings: Takes place after my first bigbang fic,
At the Edge of Dusk, but you don't have to read it to enjoy this one. It occurs roughly two years post-series and does contain heavy spoilers for the entire series.
Additional Notes: As many of you are aware, I've been really ill for almost a year now. As such, I was doubtful I would ever get this done in time for posting. And to be honest, I'm...not done yet. However, everything is set up in a way that I will be posting a chapter a day on weekdays. It should take me about two weeks to get all of the chapters up, and as I do, this master post will be updated with links to my writing journal. Following the completion of the story, I will then be posting it on AO3 within the banked-flame community there. So keep your eyes peeled on this post!
Additionally, once it's ready, I'll be posting
amanda_violet's artwork with the relevant chapter =D
Chapter One,
Chapter Two,
Chapter Three,
Chapter Four,
Chapter Five Chapter Six,
Chapter Seven,
Chapter Eight,
Chapter Nine