So, after all the excitement of the weekend about transferring files, this morning I get to work, plug the phone into the Windows machine and up comes the file system in Explorer. I can move files, copy files, delete files, pretty much anything I would want to do. I look at the phone and it's just looking back at me like, "What??"
Let's see what happens after the next reboot.
Oh, and a podcast pro tip: Unless you have a truly unlimited data plan, don't blindly set a bunch of podcast feeds to update while connected to your provider's network. I managed to pull down over 800 megs of data somehow on Thursday, which is going to cost me a few dollars. It's not going to break the bank or anything, but it's still a dumb rookie mistake. I now have the podcast app set only to update when it's connected to a power source, since if I have a power source I'm likely to have a wi-fi connection, and I don't get dinged for using wi-fi connections.
And now for something completely different: It's amazing the things you remember. For instance, from 1972 I can't remember the name of the German professor who would have failed me in a 20th-century German literature class if he hadn't been going on sabbatical so he couldn't force me to retake the class. I can't remember the name of the girl I went on a double date with to a basketball game who scowled through the entire game, never said a word and didn't even say goodbye afterward. (Actually that one might be just as well.) I don't remember how the football team did. I don't remember the name of the kid in the next room over who played bluegrass banjo, although I remember he was from Lompoc, California.
But I remember this:
Click to view
I found it on YouTube this morning and my Monday immediately improved. Sent my sister the link and she told me it brightened her day right up too. Maybe it'll do the same for you!
And yes, they really did have commercials like that back in the day. Dumb!
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