This post is dedicated to
A.k.a papa LS
Yes, you heard me. The Four Sexes. They are an integral part of the show Supernatural and it is important that you are able to pick out these moments in the weekly episodes.
*warning may cause drooling and spontaneous combustion*
(Pictures from
The Four Sexes will be presented in a four part post begining with;
Lesson One: Leather Sex.
Leather Sex is the first of the sexes. Also known as LS, Leather Sex refers to the Leather Jacket worn by Dean Winchester as shown in this picture.
Mmmm, nice! Now becareful, once again this may cause excessive drooling.
Dean wears this jacket most episodes. And the end result of the combination of HOT JENSEN and LEATHER JACKET, as you can see is YUM.
Here you can see LS in full force. *drools*
HOLY LEATHER SEX!! Gun + LS + those exact facial expressions = me... dead
Here Dean uses his jacket as part as an elaborate disguise. mmmmm
*grins madly*
Here he is using his LS charm on a poor defenseless woman. *is mesmerised*
Oh man, I'm a Jared/Sam girl but i can feel myself turning *shudders*
The LS makes confusion sexy
Can i hug him too?
I wonder what it smells like...
His aftershave? *melts alittle*
It is probably all warm and snuggly
And Dean smelling. *Hears a "thud"* Aly?? Aly speak to me!!!
I think we've lost Aly
Dean looks shocked. *gasps* he's on to me
And thus concludes todays lesson on Leather Sex.
I should go revive Aly.
Be sure to keep these lessons in mind and tune in next week for Lesson Two: Butt Sex (Minds out of the gutters ladies *hears another 'thud* ha ha ha)
(pictures from