Feb 21, 2005 01:31
So i REALLY want to be a wilderness guide!! If someone invited me to go on a trip right now i would drop everything and go. I love the outdoors there is something so beautiful about life in fresh air i cant explain how excited i get about camping and stuff like that. In fact i got so excited about trying to go on a trip that i actually thought...oh my gosh what if this is what i am suppose to do with my life, what if wilderness adventures, world exploration, along with service of course is my calling... Yeah i remember when i was really excited about opening a coffee shop and still have to desire to do that but never though, even for a second, about not doing music therapy too it would just be a side job. Anyway there is still the problem of my lack of wilderness skills. I also realized today that i have way to much stuff to be a full time wilderness adventurer. I think i am going to really go through all my stuff, mostly my clothes and get rid of everything that is even questionable as to if i use it.
Etta let me go with her to develop film today. It was neat to see the studio, all that art stuff fascinates me.
I observed the Tally youth symphony orchestra practice today for strings class, they are really good. A tenor, who's name i did not catch, is doing a aria with them and he was amazing to hear.
Went to church, i love church, especially when i get to go with friends. Mary Spicer made me cookies for my b-day, she is so awesome and not just b/c she made me cookies but b/c she just exudes God's love with her whole being.
Etta and I went to visit Aaron in the hospital, he is pretty sick but seems to be doing ok.
Kt, one of my new residents, is awesome. She made me some great cds and i gave her a banjo lesson today, i think she might be buying one tomorrow!