[TM] 248 - Spies like.... well not us.

Sep 14, 2008 16:06

Her back was pressed up against the wall, holding in a breath as tight as she could in her lungs. The feeling of muscle beginning to cramp up slightly in her abdomen she thought was at the very least a good sort of pain, the sort of pain that came with abs of steel. Part of her wondered if she could do with a bit of steel-y abs with all the sweets she ate running about the universe tasting everything that looked at least edible.

New experiences, new foods, and no real clear concise method of calorie counting that she could discern. The Doctor said there were ways of finding out, but she wasn't exactly curious to know just how that would be a good thing in the end. Still pressed there to the wall glancing down at her figure she had to at least consider the fact that she wasn't exactly easily fitting to the wall at the moment. As a lady she had curves, and she rather liked her curves along with the way they did fit against other things in the way she was just getting familiar with. It would be a shame to try and start thinking of ways to change herself just so that whatever they were running from... or was it toward? Either way she was quite happy with the way she looked.

The heavy breathing came abruptly from beside her, "Did you see which way he went??" The Doctor looked very nearly out of breath, as he leaned against the wall propping his arm up higher so his forehead could rest atop his sleeve rather than the cool brick. His eyebrow cocked up curiously, "Why're you standing like that? All sort of... well as if you're trying to be the wall?"

Rose thought about it for a moment, "I thought... well I was pretty sure that I was supposed to be very James Bond. You said it's like James Bond! James Bond doesn't just sit 'bout the center of the square waitin' for someone to rush on by!"

The Doctor seemed to think it over for a bit, pushing off the wall and she could see the 'well' building up in the back of his throat. She could almost hear the length that it was about to stretch to as he dragged out some point he was trying to make about something she must've misunderstood... though more than anything it would be just because he didn't really explain it that way the first time.

"Well..." Her smirk was a bit smug at that and he stopped his drawn out letters for a moment. "What?"

Biting her lip she shook her head, trying to convey a look of innocence, "What? Nothing. Just, figured you'd start off that way. But look I didn't see him run by. I thought we were running from him? Have we been running toward him this whole time?" Rose rolled her eyes for the moment trying to sort out just what trouble they'd landed themselves in this time.

Rose eased off the wall and brushed off the back of her jeans as best she could, twisting herself around a bit to get a better look and make sure that she didn't have a big spot on her rear now. Meeting the Doctor's eyes her smirk returned as she caught the tail end of him looking quickly away from looking at her... tail end.

"I saw that!"

"You saw nothing! Just the point, I was off and running all over trying to follow him and you saw nothing!

Rose laughed, because he was being very clever. It was something he often did and never so expertly as when he was trying to avoid admitting he'd done something remotely worth getting caught for.

"Right, I saw nothing because... well I thought I was supposed to be hiding. Mean to be honest and all that. I thought you were running from him, and that I was supposed to be like James Bond and not be seen! Which was why I was all," Rose gestured toward the wall, "with the wall!"

The Doctor shook his head a soft bit of laughter creeping onto his expressions, "Oh Rose Tyler, amazing... fantastic... brilliant companion, horrible spy though."
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