Sep 08, 2004 20:06
its been a busy-intresting little week if i do say so my self. ive been with taylor frick and britt and danny everyday this week, ive also been with matt tomwaseski.brett crane.jessie chocran.brett zucker.cheyne fuller.jessie matacle.same ertel.david hunt.chris hamp.taylor looker.gunner.cory haskal.josh cady and joe brown ( dirt ) chelsea bircher and anna glover. george and ALOT of other random people, we drank and smoked at my house. uhm other than that nothing. me and heidi are on good terms now. uhm i had a small little party. we had a great hirricane. a car of ours got stuck in a ditch and almost flipped over and the boys saved it. well i think thats basically it. chillin in the morning and chillin at the night drinkin and smoking and hangin out sounds like sumemr coz we all know that this is our god damned summer coz these damn huirricane is takin away sumemr days.well im kinda high so i gtg.
xO n*cOle
hahah i wonder how many people will be like " omg can u beliee nicole smokes and drinks and tells people?!" "shes such a slut,look how many guys she hangs out with none of them REALLY like her!" "omg lets kill her"
FAGS,ill bet like at least 5 people will talk shit after this enrty. =P