Вот какое прелестное "нигерийское письмо" я получил из Того. Для тех, кто не читает по-английски: некий адвокат пишет мне: "я представляю интересы г-на Бангерский (фамилия написана в письме по-русски), гражданина Вашей страны, который был работником компании Шелл в Республике Того и погиб в автокатастрофе вмсте со всей семьей. Он оставил наследство - 12,5 миллионов долларов, и я ищу наследников..."
Неужели жулики находят идиотов, которые ловятся на такое?
Вр всяком случае, писем таких рассылают огромное количество. Я сужу об этом по тому, что на эту мою запись откликнулось уже около двух сотен человек. Но ваши комменты здесь никто, кроме меня не видит. Поэтому я решил создать сообщество
aferisty - для всех желающих поделиться опытом общения с жуликами. Пишите туда - так мы составим список этих аферистов!
Вот полный текст письма:
bila edem30 минут назад
From The Office Of
Barrister Bila Edem
17 Jean Paul Road
Lome Togo .
Attention: Александр Бангерский,
I am Barrister Bila Edem.A Solicitor at law, Personal Attorney to Mr.B.A, Бангерский , A Citizen of your country,Who was a Shell Development Company Contractor in Republic of Togo. Herein after referred to as my client.On the 21st of April 2005, My client, His wife and their only daughter were involved in an auto crash along Kara express road,
All occupants of the vehicle unfortunately lost there lives.Since then I have made several enquiries to here to locate any of my clients extended relatives,this has also proved unsuccessful. After these several unsuccessful attempts, I decided to track his last name over the Internet to locate any member of his family hence I contacted you.I have contacted you to assist in repartrating the fund valued at ($US12 ,500,000.00) million left behind by my client before it gets confisicated or declared unserviceable by the Security Finance Firm Lome-Togo where this huge amount was deposited on hold.The said Firm has issued me a notice to provide the next of kin or have his account confisicated within the next twenty one official working days. Since I have been unsuccesfull in locating the relatives for over 3 years now.
Please, I seek the consent to present you as the next of kin to the deceased since you have the same last names, So that the proceeds of this account can be Paid/Transfered to you as the bonafide next of kin. Therefore, On Immediate receipt of your positive response, We shall then discuss our sharing ratio and Modalities/Arrangement for this transfer.
I have all necessary information and legal documents needed to back you up for this claim. All I require from you is your Honest/Absolute Cooperation to enable us see this transaction through. I guarantee that this will be executed under legitimate arrangement that will protect you from any breach of the law, Please get in touch with me through My e-mail for more Details/Discussions of this transfer.
Please reply to my direct email address below: barr_bilaedem2@hotmail.fr
Best Regards.
Miss Sarah Adam (Sec)
For Barrister Bila Edem(Esq)
Edem & Associates