Drabble Dump

Jul 29, 2016 14:24

Title: You Are My Sunshine
Pairing: (girls!)J-Hope/Jimin
Rating: PG
Warning: Recovering from an injury, hurt/comfort, genderswitch
Word Count: 693
Summary: Jimin's girlfriend is a ray of sunshine in her life, and sometimes she likes to return the favor and cheer her up.

Title: Chew, Puppy, Chew
Pairing: Rap Monster/Jungkook
Rating: PG-13
Warning: Fluff, cute newly turned werewolf Jeongguk
Word Count: 677
Summary: Namjoon never imagined there would be a time he would enjoy becoming a newly turned wolf's chew toy.

Title: You've Got Me
Pairing: V/Jungkook
Rating: G
Warning: Upset Taehyung, hurt/comfort
Word Count: 603
Summary: Jeongguk will always be there to lift Taehyung up when he's feeling down.

Title: Welcome to Cuddletown
Pairing: J-Hope/V
Rating: G
Warning: hybrid AU, excessive fluff
Word Count: 467
Summary: Taehyung wants all of Hoseok's cuddles.

pairing: rap monster/jungkook, rating: pg-13, pairing: j-hope/v, *fanfic, rating: pg, length: drabble, pairing: j-hope/jimin, pairing: jungkook/v, rating: g

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