Lost in Thought...

May 24, 2010 14:00

Brain dump about the Lost finale.  I'd love to hear others' thoughts.

OK. I get that the show "wasn't really about the island".  I was resigned to the fact that most questions about the island were never going to be answered.  Not particularly happy about it but I accept that.

But I'm left feeling like the entire final season - the entire "flash-sideways" story - was just bullshit.  What did it mean?  What was the point? And ultimately, what was the point of the whole show?  What was it ABOUT?

Christian tells Jack that the Losties constructed the SideFlash to find each other... to do what, exactly? With the exception of Locke, none of the characters seemed to resolve any of their issues in SideFlash (Charlie was still completely fucked up, so why wasn't Ana Lucia "ready"?).  And what qualified someone to exist in SideFlash? Why wasn't Michael there? How did Eleanor Widmer know that she was in... someone else's purgatory?

How did characters get to be in the church at the end?  Why was Penny there, but Helen wasn't? (Poor Helen really got screwed, didn't she?) Why was Sayid with Shannon (ugh) instead of Nadia? (I never liked Sayid & Shannon together, and then this really seemed to cheapen his relationship with Nadia - you know, like THE WHOLE REASON HE EVER DID ANYTHING, EVER!)

Why didn't Ben go with everyone else?  A couple of hundred years with Hurley, the most feel-good-to-be-around guy in the frickin' universe, and he STILL has too much guilt to move on?  I think that cheapens Hurley's character.  And again, why wasn't Michael there? Guilt? But Ben was there so... what? Hurley kept him trapped on the island because Hurley was still pissed over Libby's death?

I dunno.  Maybe a second viewing will change my mind.  I don't feel like the end really followed from what came before - Everyone's dead but happy. Cue Monty Python's "Christmas in Heaven."

But this is just a brain dump.  We'll see how I process and feel down the road...

EDIT - Have moved this to a Google Wave discussion, to avoid a logistical nightmare of nested comments.  Let me know if you want an invite.
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