Oct 12, 2010 14:04
So thing's aren't exactely being great. Went back to the doctors and it seems that maybe the SimCor IS fucking my liver over.... I guess thats okay since the crap makes me hot all the time..... although the alternative costs waaaay more, so not very happy Jan. I don't want to refill my script if I'm going off it, so I'm not sure what I will do, I guess tell the doc on Monday that I would rather not refill if hes gonna take me off it, even if its not that making me all hot... cuz I think I have like, one left.
Blood sugar is freaking screwed, and it looks like I will be getting a finger stabber - OH THE JOY
I am going to have to be more careful about what I eat - like REALLY BE CAREFUL.... so much for eating food I love anymore.... goodbye... well pretty much everything I like......
cure worse than the disease? Yeah possibly, but I don't really need to have diabetes... so I will do all the things you do.... cuz lets face it, I don't think I could give myself injections... so I guess eating boring food, taking tablets, pricking fingers and really pushing myself to exercise is better-er
Also my "whenever the hell its feels like it" came back... and its been TERRI-BAD. At least today it seems to have calmed down, but since Friday I have wanted to KILL MYSELF... seriously.... it was just crazy bad.
Now I'm waiting for WoW to come back up , the patched and I wanna plaaaaay