Hrrrm been a while

May 15, 2009 12:54

Well this post could get long.... probably ranty cuz you know me.

First things from going over to see my sister and my Grandparents 50th Wedding Anniversary.

First off, the flight was TERRIBLE.... or rather the pre-flight.... I get there 2 hours before my flight as they say I should..... to find my flight in a HOUR late...... then later and later..... I think when I FINALLY got to Melbourne it was 2 hours late and I felt really bad for Seb & Shaun (my uncle and his partner) One thing that really PISSED ME OFF, was all the ppl that arrived about 1/2 hour before the flight and then had the nerve to COMPLAIN when it was late.... WTF PPL?? I get there when I was supposed to and I wasn't complaining. Oh and if your flying from Adelaide to Melbourne on Tiger airways.... keep a really sharp eye out for your bag pickup, I walked right past it and had to find someone to rescue my bags..... cuz of course you cant get back in.. grrrr. Although there was one good thing on the flght... the gay flight attendant... he was just too FUNNY! I shall never forget as we get off the place "And remember, Tiger airways loves you all very much"

I sat up ALL night, it seems to be some wierd custom at Seb and Shauns, talking to Seb. It was so weird cuz we talked about everything and anything and it was really good. I never could of forseen having that conversation with my uncle and I even had the nerve to ask him about when he knew he was gay, it was really good because he wasn't offended and told me his story straight up. I like gay ppl that are openly gay and don't get 'offended' or 'huffy' when a straight person is very curious about it all. I think for me although I have nothing against gay ppl its kinda strange to have a gay relative, probably because of the religiius upbringing, so I have always been taught its wrong. Anyway, it was probably the most intense wildly "omg I cant beleive I said that" kind of nights. I also drank about 5 litres of water.... funny how much you need to drink when you talk from midnigtish to 11am.

By the time Amanda came for me, I was very close to 24hours with no sleep, although I didn't really feel tired. On the drive down we had more long converstaions and alot of it was about sexuall stuff. Wierd because Amanda was all "oh I don't need to know that" but then would want to talk anyway. I think we scared the HELL outta a poor McDonalds worker, came in talking about a million words a minute, I think we wre pretty loud too, made long and complicated orders with lots of laughing, she looks confused and scared but managed to get it all right. Then I think we gave a couple of guys a trill thinking that maybe we were lesbians.... we so should of faked a kiss but Amanda was all "EWWW NO" but we so could of cuz I had my back to the guys and they wouldnt of known we werent doing anything.

Anyway I guess on the way down I had a bit of a ranty/brich session about Scott, I mean we are sisters and we were SHARING.... she even had a bit of a rant about her husband as girls do. The problem is, for some reson she has a grudge agains Scott, so she proceeds to verbally bash Scott and say mean things. I joined in a bit cuz 1. I was in ranty bitchy mode & 2. I had not slept in over 24 hours.

Just as I thought that I had reconnected with my sister, we arrive at her place and BAM, she changed. It was SO WIERD. Anything sexual couldn't be said anymore and I felt instantly on my guard... the cause of all that, her husband Rad. Rad annoys me for many things, but I had determined that I would try and forget that he was a jealous controlling jerk and be nice, after all I was at there place and they were my ride up to Wang for G'ma & G'pas thing.

What I didn't expect was almost a WEEK of verbal bashing of Scott from BOTH of them. Everytime I mentioned Scott they had something mean to say. They make him out like hes some horrible husband who never buys me things or has sex with me. The other thing was Amanda managed to say pretty much EVEYRTHING I had told her to Rad and twisted it around in a way that made me feel bad, like the flirting and 'I would so like to sleep with you' thing I have going with one of my guildies on WoW. (Yes this is something that Scott knows about and hes all fine with it) Of course anything Amanda said to me wasn't to be even mentioned in a tiny way or Rad would be all offended, or Amanda would be all offended and then they would have to go off and have a little conversations between the 2 of was irritating BEYOND ALL WORDS.

Then on the way up to Wang we stop at A SEX SHOP. Now I'm all for sex shops... I wanted to look at vibrators and stuff, they went right for the shoes.... WTF?? I don't need to know about thier kinky shoe thing and looking at underwears. So Amanda tries on thigh high boots costing $150 and I buy a $60 toy. They are happy to take my discound card thing I was given cuz its not like I'm ever going to shop there again, but Rad was HORRIFIED, when I took my toy out of its packet in the car to have a look at it. It wasn't like I was going to USE it, I just wanted to turn it on and have a look at it better, I always do that with new things, out of the packed as fast as I can, its the best thing about buying things.... the ritual of opening it and playing with it. Of course in this case I didn't play with it because... well I was in a car with my sister and her husband.. eww. Although I couldn't beleive that ppl who apparently s OPEN about sex would be so horrified at me for turning on a vibrator to see how it went..... wierdness.

It got even worse when we got there, here is my sister Kirrilee, the moment she is there, I cease to exsist. WTF?? Shes turned into some lil Amanda clone and I am deeply concerned about the way Rad is with her. Now Amanda had admitted to me that Rad told her that he once did or has had some fantasies about my little sister, well littlest sister, of course he would NEVER do anything BUT I really didn't like the way he is with her, its so much lilke how he treats Amanda that it was creeping me out so much. I don't know if my parents dont see it, but I would suggest that they NEVER let her stay with them again, I guess they don't see it and Kirrilee idolises Amanda. It would break her little heart.

I was so glad when Seb & Shaun got there, it gave me someone to talk to, rather than standing around looking lost. I saw my Aunty Janettes husband for what I swear is the second time EVER and had an awkward conversations with him.... cuz we have nothing in common and we dont really know each other.

I almost died when I saw my mum... shes 'lightened' her hair and its HORRENDUS... I think she knows it but what can she really do. But the thing that really got me is how much weight she has lost. OMG SHE LOOKED SO GOOD!! She was wearing an outfit that I would die to wear, it was so awesome and sexy. I wish I had the willpower to do that too, but there are things that stop me and I really have to do something about that. *sigh*

I must say tho I WAS SO HAPPY TO GET IN THE CAR WITH SEB & SHAUN. I was fed up with the weird Amanda, Kirrliee & Rad vibe, trying to not talk about Wow with Seb & Sahun and pissing off my dad by doing it, and I just wanted to GO HOME and be with Scott. Its amazing that I didn't cry all the way home I was so exhausted and emotionally drained.

Seb & Shaun were fun cuz I got to bitch/bash Amanda & Rad on the way home. Seb & Amanda had a little run in when Amanda decided it was okay to kick him and when he told her not to she got all offended. The next day at lunch dad had a go at Seb, not knowing the full story and when Seb tried to reply to it dad got mad and tried to shut him down. Things got really tense, but then Aunty Janette (who was yet again Markless, I swear that man is never with her but apparently he whanged his head and had to go to hospital) realised that Seb hadn't gotten to tell the story from him point of view and stood up for him so he got to say what he wanted to say and dad got all wierd and huffy, lol, no wonder I'm so screwed up... look at my family!

So the 'hot topic' so so say on the way home was mostly Amanda & Rad and the wierdness they have. They have also noticed the wierd thing with Rad & Kirrilee so I told them what I know. I also told Seb some stuff about my dad that he never knew. I made him promise that he wont stir shit up with what I told him, but I couldn't help myself, I HAD to tell him because he had such a false impression of my dad.

Then again with wierd Seb & Saun practice we stayed up ALL night talking. Thier cats also accepted me, they were so scared of me the first night, but the second night they actually came in the room, I couldn't look at or touch them but I think with time the cats would of been fine with me. I got to know Shaun a bit more, I was really happy about that, cuz although he and Seb have been together for like 10 years or something I have never really gotten to know him much. Its wierd, when I was a little kid Seb, who was Uncle David then, was one of my favourite uncles, he used to play with me and entertain me for hours with wheelbarrow rides, computer games, lego and he even made the "The Uncle David Show" it was a pretend readio show that he taped for me. I wish I could find all the old tapes and put them on CD and give him a copy. Now I have barely any contact with them so it was really great to re-connect and to get to know them better. Now when Shaun comes on vent when we raid, cuz he re-joined our guild, we have a few things we can say to each other that are inside jokes and highly amusing to us.

Getting home as kinda hell, Seb & Shaun waited with me at the airport as long as they could, were I got grinning but scadalised looks from a girl because I think I may had said "sex shop" too loud, the mother gave us a dirty look. I was SO TIRED, I almost fell asleep in the departure lounge. I KNOW I fell asleep on the plane, I don't think I snored (a sore point for most of the trip) because everytime I started to really fall asleep my hands would come unclasped and hit the buckle on the seatbelt and hurting my wrist and waking me up. I stumbles out of the airport, I even found my bag, i was SO TIRED. Scott drive by and got me and took me home it was HEAVEN! He had to go to work so I was alone. The pets went MENTAL, especially the dogs, is so nice to know they missed me. I somehow managed to stay awake long enough to find my new sex toy that arrived when I was away, read some book and then I FINALLY got some sleep, and I had to, I was raiding that night.

When Scott got home I think I had the BEST EVER time in bed with him.... no we didn't have sex, but it was just SO AWESOME to lay next to him and feel him there, cuz I swear, it was HELL having to endure Scott bashing for the better part of a week. Hes not THAT bad, sure he does shit that pisses me off, and does things I don't like, and we do have some issues we need to sort out BUT I do love him and he is the perfect man for me. Someone needs to tell Amanda & Ran that although its okay for me to rant and have a little bitch about my husband its NOT okay for them to do it, at least not to the extent they do. Amanda hates him for something his dad did YEARS AGO that she really needs to let go cuz it wasn't even that bad, and Rad doesnt even know him.... so they need to GROW THE FUCK UP, and ffs LET THINGS GO...... they were bringing up crap and things I have done or said YEARS AGO...... they really need to get the fuck over it

and THAT is my story from Melbourne..... its almost 2 weeks later but I'm still recovering... and maybe I should LET IT GO, but right now, I can't really forgive Amanda & Rad for thier behaviour. I will let it go in the end, but I don't think I can deal with them anymore, its just so fucked up....  I will have to decide what to do about them or how I feel about them later... just thinking about it is making me feel distressed and tired all over again.
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