Permissions Post

Apr 20, 2020 18:20

So Yuma has the ability to to sense yoki, wich is demon/monster energy, but for the sake of the game she'll be able to sense all supernatural auras. So if your character emits that kind of energy that you think she'll be able to sense please comment here. 8D

And now for Yuma's permissions under the cut;


1)Backtagging: I'm always up for it! Since I do the same.
2)Threadhopping: Unless it's marked private and it's okay with the others involved in the thread, go for it!
3)Fourthwalling: You can, it probably won't confuse her more than she already is anyway. XD
4)Offensive subjects (elaborate): There's not a whole lot that offends me (in fiction especially), but I'll let you know if it goes that way.
5)Plotting: I love plotting, so yes please. :3


1)Hugging this character: Yup. Though you won't get much back, unless she knows you well enough.
2)Kissing this character: Again, yup. Just don't expect much if anything back unless you're really really close to her, otherwise it'll probably just upset her.
3)Flirting with this character: Go ahead! She'll be confused as hell and depending, more than likely won't get it.
4)Fighting with this character: Yuma's a fighter, so a big yes. 8Db She's strong so be careful.
5)Injuring this character (include limits and severity): I'll allow this, just keep in mind she can heal herself pretty fast and regrow/reattach limbs (at a slower rate). Anything more sever, ask first.
6)Killing this character: I'd like to avoid this for now since she's my only character. But should that change, talk to me first and something could be worked out.
7)Using telepathy/mind reading abilities on this character: I'm usually up for this, just ping me first so I can give you details.
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