Jan 01, 2005 21:21
well New Years was fun...alot better than the yr befor thats for sure...lol
Today was a good day....I spent the entire day with Andrew and it was awesome and wierd at the same time.....we went to his house and him and his mom got in to this fight thing ...well it was s fight....and it was crazy cuz I was there and they were kinda talking about me like I wasn't it's the 1st fight I have ever seen them get into and it was good to see cuz now I know what he's talking about when he fights with his mom cuz I saw it 1st hand...cool I guess
and now me and him are here hangin out til he has to go home ....I wish he never had to go home...that would b awesome!
Love tons
P.S. Ian's mom had a heart attack and is having kidney failure...so please keep him and his family in ur prayers