Contact Info

Jun 01, 2021 23:07

This is Deidara's phone! ...And yes, it is a Jitterbug, meant for seniors and probably the mentally challenged. He can't handle the technological capabilities that is the modern day smartphone, or even normal cellphone. With simple YES and NO questions Deidara is able to easily access the phone's functions!

...He won't realize its a piece of shit until someone tells him otherwise. And either way, he will defend his Jitterbug to the end. For ease's sake, here is a link to Hinata's Cellphone as well.

- [ Call ] - [ Text ] - [ Voicemail ] -

"Hello, you've reached the voicemail of--use this damn thing un. Uh... wait, is this where I say my na--who is not available. At the tone, please record your message. When you have finished recording, you may hang up, or press 1 for more options. *BEEEEEEEP!*"

All are on speed dial.

[0] GreatCall Operator
[1] Old Man

