Feb 27, 2016 12:37

Of course, I have just made a new journal...and now it will lay there unused.

Hi everyone. This was a hard decision for me but my wrists pains have increased, I couldn't sleep last night and even if I thought I could be able to translate and also do this, I was wrong. My tendons strain too much like this. And since translating requires hours of work writing, I have to drop LJ and iconing, at least for a while.

This makes me so sad, but I don't really have a choice. I have everything, proper chairs and ergonomic mouses, but in the end, I have to cut back.

I'll finish the last rounds I'm modding and then I'll go. I'll pop up from time to time to see how things are going and to look at all the beauties you create.

<3 <3

misc, stuff

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