I've been tagged!

Jun 16, 2009 16:33

Well someone tagged me and made me feel wanted- so i will be returning the favor. Thank youpinkmonkey21

a. People who have been tagged must write their answers on their blog and replace any question that they dislike with a new, original question.
b. Tag eight people. Don't refuse to do that. Don't tag who tagged you.

1. What are you listening to right now? We will become silhouettes - The postal service

2. How do you style your hair? Straightened, in a pony tail, just normal

3. What are you wearing right now? black & white straps sweater, black jeans

4. What are you currently reading? El psicoanalista and school books

5. Dumbest thing you've done this week? walk in heels

6. Have you named your computer? If so what's its name? the one i had and i miss to death was named Cosmo.

7. Theme song playing in the background as you die? Sorlsbury hill by Peter Gabriel

8. The most stressful thing right now in your life? School payments.

9. What is your favorite funny word? Oils! to some its not funny but since that day i cant listen to it without at least smiling

10. What is your weirdest habit? I bite my nails? thats gross i know but if they aren't painted i do bite them.

11. What is your favorite color? blue

12. If you could buy someone, who would that be? That would be...mm...for what? private concert? probably beyoncé, fun night out -KAT PRESCOTT

13. What's the weirdest thing you say in RL? I have no idea what RL is. if you do please explain me so i can answer that.

14. Which languages do you wish you spoke? French

15. What is your biggest pet peeve? This one is in spanish, people here say 'bien mucho' and thats not how you say it, is wrong is either 'bien' o 'mucho'. yes i do get mad about it

16. What's your ideal weapon? Venom. just because. don't really know if it counts as one though

17. Who was your childhood idol? Kimberly of the power rangers, the TMNT, and many more..

18. What superpower do you wish you had? Flash speed

19. If you were in a band, what kind of music would you play and what instrument would you want to play? Id play some inde i guess, not really a genre but id do something totally different and id play the drums. because its my band so i played whatever.

20. Tell me something you love about the person who tagged you. I would love to get to know her better since i dont really know that much so i could answer this properly

Edit: forgot to tag. silly me, 8 people. Hopefully they'll answer it

babel_06 in48frames lovewithstands xjekkix footietk yesssirrr blurubberband55 

meme, in a random world, gayness, me

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