Tear us apart

Aug 06, 2009 17:50

Pairing: Naomi/Emily
Words:Just a few

Warning: this was created during the most boring class of my life so its only one draft on an idea that hit me during boringness if thats even a word!

also im not a professional but comments are highly appreciated!

Emily wonders everytime when Naomi is going to leave her. She knows she loves her, butbshe just wonders when it will become too much for her to handle when right now she doesn't even know exactly what she is feeling.

She stares at the ceiling, then she turns around Naomi is sleeping she just sighs, her eyes are still puffy, that argument before lead to tears and angry fucking and 'i love yous' she even cried a little bit more.

She never really realized when it stopped being fucking hard to fucking slow she just still tasted Naomi and felt her heart beat rise and beat hard enough.


Naomi opened her eyes, looked at pale skin red hair, deja vú met her way, she isnt afraid to touch anymore, placed her hand on Emily's backstroking up and down, she was about to say something when she met her gaze, apologies are no longer needed she could see it in her face.

Naomi felf her eyes fill up. The night before only proved she loves Emily a whole lot more than she thought. She triend to say im sorry but lips met hers and forced their way 'i know' Emily whispered and regret got in her way again.


Seeing Naomi kiss that guy, Emily knew the reason why, in a way she has done it before, trying to prove something, but doing it wrong.

As Naomi looked at her, she could see it in her face, she has looked the exact same way. She left, she really couldnt stay, she knew she was being followed but not for a good thing.

Naomi yelled, she even cried 'Emily... Im sorry' she pleaded and then she turned Around 'dont say a thing, dont you dare say a thing' her heart broke a little by looking straight at her, she grabbed her hand then slowly walked away, just like that time before summer when everything was okay.


Emily wonders, in her dreams it fades away, when it will become too much and she will have to walk away.

Posted via LiveJournal.app.

via ljapp, naomily, fic-skins, i need a kiss, if it isnt a happy one im going to kill, emily i want someone like you

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