Dec 31, 2036 21:10
I don't have a pretty banner. Sorry about that.
But, this journal is still mostly
About me (rough guide):
-37. Girl. Single.
-Lawyer. [Insert joke here.]
-Whiner. Complainer. Neurotic. Sarcastic. Paranoid. Anxious. Attention-seeker (though passive about it). Passive. Can spell and use grammar properly. Rarely start sentences with "I" and often end them with ellipses (that's ...s). Write in parentheses a lot.
-Likes: TV (especially nearly all British TV), House, Monk, Dark, Fleetwood Mac (especially Lindsey Buckingham), most music, radio (both BBC and such programmes, and regular commercial radio), commercials (especially jingles), animals, birds, BLUE things, parody & satire, birdwatching, daydreaming, pointless genealogy, Jewish jokes.
-Dislikes: religion, cruelty to animals, cruelty to humans, hypocrisy, PINK things, girliness, rain, people who flaunt themselves as shining examples of humanity (these people tend to be horrid, vain idiots that aren't worth knowing), liars, dogmatic believers in almost anything, the stupidity of much of American culture and societal norms, the MTA, the NY city and state governments, MALICIOUS GOSSIP.
-Obsessions/Mentioned often: Boris Johnson, Lindsey Buckingham (and Fleetwood Mac generally), Keith Olbermann/MSNBC generally, House, I'm Sorry I Haven't A Clue, plenty more.
I don't update every day. I try to update at least once a week. I can't promise to be interesting, but I can promise to update (eventually) if something exciting or heartbreaking happens (which isn't as big of a promise as it sounds). I will always read your journal, though I may not be the best commenter. I like comments myself, as long as they're not solely to harass/annoy/create "LJ Drama."
If you don't know something, ask. Don't assume, because, as Felix Unger told us, when you assume, you make an ass out of u and me.
Note: I also love puns.
I like friends, so don't be put off by the apparent lack of recent posts (only an illusion, since they're all locked).
Friend away, should you so desire!