writing/illustration collaborations

Apr 20, 2011 14:36

Hi writers! I've noticed that a lot of stories in the recent issues have been going up without illustrations, when there are always quite a few people willing to illustrate! I just think it's such a shame, because it's such a win-win when authors and artists can team up together! Illustrated stories get more readers, and who wouldn't want to see their characters brought to life in a picture?

I just want to gently poke at you, writers, because there are all these illustrators waiting here to work with you, and you shouldn't be shy! We wouldn't sign up if we didn't want to collaborate with you.

If you're concerned that you won't get your story done in time for an illustration, don't forget that out in the Real World (tm), illustrators often don't work with final drafts either. I can't speak for all the artists here, but I know that I can work with even just a scene, or a character description, or even a vague handwaving-y summary. And even if I can't, I can still ask questions until I know enough. A picture is worth a thousand words, but it only takes a handful of words to inspire a picture. :) And if you don't finish, well, no art is really truly a waste of time.

I'd really like to see more illustrated fiction next round! Let's make an effort. <3
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