public post
This is true horror.
AN ABORTED baby survived for 80 minutes while hospital staff waited for it to die, a coroner's court in Darwin, Australia, was told yesterday.
The baby was unexpectedly born alive after birth was induced between 21 and 22 weeks of gestation. Greg Cavanagh, the coroner, said that there was a "responsibility vacuum
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they do not have rights.
they are parts of the mothers body, and the mother has the right to terminate their existence.
if you are offended by this post, i don't care. :)
the same holds true for the moment after death. it takes more than elements.
> creating a new, unique human being.
circular argument.
> For a seed to grow, there must be life.
by that token, all parts of my body are separate living things from me. my legs grew, my skeleton lengthened.
> For a 'fetus' to grow, it must be a human being.
untrue. it is a part of the mother's body developing *into* a human being.
> If it isn't human, why is it growing?
it is not growing. the mother's body is growing it.
> It is living
circular argument.
> and feeling!
highly unlikely except possibly toward the end.
incidentally, if abortion WERE so terrible, why do something like 50% of all conceptions not end in live births? can't be so bad if god is practicing it constantly.
> A baby's heart begins beating within 18 and 24 days
which does not make it a human being with rights.
> all living things have nerve endings
you're *way* wrong there. ever heard of bacteria? paramecia?
> and through these they can feel pain.
takes more than nerve endings. takes a sufficiently organized and conscious brain. (hypnotized or anesthetized adults don't perceive pain.)
> The aborted 'fetus' can feel pain throughout the abortion
false as stated, and even if true does not establish it as a living thing. if i cut off my arm, it sends huge pain signals to my brain. does not make it a living thing on its own.
peace. :)
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1) a fetus is a part of a woman. the woman is her own guardian.
2) a baby is a stable gestalt. the mother is her own guardian and the baby's guardian.
if you can count, in the first situation there is one person, in the second situation there are two people.
since i'm sure you don't know, here is the definition of gestalt: a configuration or pattern of elements so unified as a whole that it cannot be described merely as a sum of its parts.
you have successfully listed some parts of a fetus. but listing parts does not make it a whole; it doesn't automatically upgrade to a person just because it has some specific parts.
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