BangAQUA makes her comeback!

Jul 16, 2011 13:06

Hello to everyone who hasn't seen me in... *counts* ...I have no idea!

We'd just like to let you all know that we are now re-opening the community (but please be patient as I re-open the "comment to join" post).
xhokahokax and I, mainly Hoka, though, have been working like hell to be able to re-open the BangAQUA livejournal community this Sunday, but guess what? We managed to clean up and finish early, and hence, we're also re-opening early.

...Should I say? Or should I just leave it as a surprise...?

Pfft! I'll just get to the point since the people who have been following
aqua_news already know. Hoka has prepared releases for our re-opening! So expect some coming on Sunday. They aren't much, but they're better than nothing, even after all those problems we've faced. But we made it, boys(?) and girls! So look forward to those~

Some many have also noticed the changes made to the BangAQUA community. Most changes are evident, but there are some where you'll have to read.

First, we'll mention the most obvious updates:


- You can now go back and forth between our entries via our footer, instead of always scrolling down. It'll follow you like a bug, no, a curse.
- Quick access to our list of ongoing, future, and completed projects are available on our side bar. Just click on the banners and they'll lead you directly to them.
- Eh? Did the "donators list" get smaller? Yes. Yes, indeed, it has. We've bought many more goods that we intend to share with our members, so look forward to those!
- Buttons, buttons and more buttons! We're becoming more artsy, haha. You can now find buttons that will direct you to our sales pages and our facebook.
- Our releases are, once again, available! They're all password protected now, not the ZIP, mind you, just the download links. But once you've become an accepted member of BangAQUA, the passwords will be available to you along with the releases. All releases have different passwords, so pay attention to those! (And why do I have a feeling some people are going to PM me about those passwords not working?)

We wanted to make many more changes, but sadly LJ doesn't support the codes, so we scrapped that idea.


- We now have a footer in the forum, too. It's different to our LJ footer, though, but hopefully it'll make navigation easier on the forum.
- The Downloads section has been changed with the single MEDIAFIRE download links, along with each releases' passwords. We lost some of our releases, though, so certain projects may not have a download link.
- Members on the forum must have a post count of 50 posts to be able to access the Downloads section, and only members with 200+ posts may PM HokaHoka for the download link for the protected releases. Donators can ignore the post count rule and just PM HokaHoka.
- As the forum requires a certain amount of post count to be able to access our download links, where as the community is just being a member, forum membership validation will be instant and approved by the admins immediately. (Well, immediately after we see it anyway.)
- The Official Rules and Announcentments has also been modified...a little, but we'd like our members to read them again and ingrain it into their brains. Much love to you all. ♥


- Our IRC channel has remained the same, but the password has changed. There are four parts to the password, join those together in the order of top to bottom, left to right, that you found them in, and then tadah~ You get the password. Please note that we don't support individuals e-mailing or PMing us for hints in regards to the password. Contacting us for help to get into our IRC, however, is a different matter altogether that we'd be happy to reply to.
- As usual, our protected releases can be found on IRC. The protected releases are the projects which the mangaka/doujinshika does not wish to be shared publicly.


fuwacchi will be handling the membership requests. Please be patient when waiting for your membership to be approved. I, too, am human and cannot be online 24/7. (I need my sleep and those that know me, knows I love my sleep.)
- Everyone who wishes to join BangAQUA must answer five questions! Two personal questions and three questions in regards to BangAQUA. More information on this matter can be found on our "comment to join" post (once I re-open it). Don't want to answer personal questions? Well, I ask you to reconsider joining us.
- All comments will be screened, so our members won't need to worry about other people seeing their personal details. I assure you that it will remain private towards only our staffs, and I mean only our staffs.
- All comments that do not include the answers to the five questions will be ignored.
- All members who have been banned are going to be given a second chance to join us. However, those members (we have a list) will need be directed to 
xhokahokax and will need to answer more questions average member...?
- Our community shall remain closed membership as...we've been spammed with membership requests when we were on moderated membership. So once you answer all of our questions, I will send you a membership invitation. Please be aware that invitations will only remain valid for 30 days and if it isn't replied to (as in accepted or rejected) within those 30 days, then the invitation will not work.


...I think that's all? And please wait another hour or so while I have my lunch and then post up a new "comment to join" post, pfft! Yes, patience is the key here. :D

O'hey, this post turned out pretty long again. Oh I've missed you, long posts. ♥

aqua_news, forum, !must read, bangaqua, !admin, !announcement, irc

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