13rd announcement

Feb 17, 2011 19:04

Here I come once again to tell to all members how it will be going and so!
So please don't be mad at me for not posting like I did <.<. I was waiting for this so I could make all the news in only a announcement!

இ Zeroshiki anthology already came to me last week. Soon I will start scanning it!
இ The last JPQueen order is already all scanned. You can find the RAW scans in aqua_donator 
இ The doujinshi 炸裂☆魅了弾  is already been worked on, so hope soon we can make it!
இ BangAQUA have a Facebook page xD. There I will try make more posts and be more active and give more updates. But still come and add us ^^ LINK
இ Also I can say now that BangAQUA have as well a sales place. Yes xD. Please go there to find all the stuff that BangAQUA don't need anymore as well other stuff that me, hokahoka, don't want to and want to sale!
If you are a member that want to sell something please allow me to know so we can add to the page.
But for that we need to talk in private and so ^^ Hope it's ok ^^ LINK

And I do think it's all for now! Hope everything it's fine and so.
Also I do still need to make more and more updates, but it's still ongoing...to much work for me >.<
Even so see ya around!

love sick, !admin, !announcement

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