A few months ago, a nation-wide campaign opposing
Genetically Modified (GM) crops, under the banner of ‘
I am no lab rat‘, was launched. The campaign’s most pressing objective is to prevent the entry of Bt Brinjal in India, for which your help is indispensable. [For more scientific evidence on proven health hazards of Bt Brinjal, please visit
http://gmfreekarnat aka.wordpress. com/about/ ].
We the members of GM-Free-Karnataka (
http://gmfreekarnat aka.wordpress. com/) are coming together on Saturday, 28th February, 2009 at to take a Shava-Yatra (Funeral Procession) of Brinjal which will culminate in handing over petitions to the Health minister. We invite you to participate with friends in large numbers and show solidarity in this effort to stop the entry of Bt Brinjal in Karnataka. We want your help to pressurizing the State Government to declare GM Free Karnataka .
Place : K.R. Circle
Time : 10 am - 12 pm
Date : 28th Feb, 2009.
Please come in large numbers and let us show solidarity in the fight against
making us lab rats.
With warm Regards GM Free Karnatka (
http://gmfreekarnat aka.wordpress. com/)