Ok…I don’t even know how to start this off. Ill just jump into the story. I went up to Austin the other day with my family to visit the little boy my parents might be adopting. All that went fine. But on the way back I definitely got slapped in the face with reality. Between Goliad and Refugio there was a bad wreck. Two trucks had ran into each other. One guy was ok and standing in the road. There was no ambulance or anything there yet. A trucker had stopped to help them and radioed for help. We were the second car to pull up. The trucker came up to our car and told us what happened and said the guy in the other car was dead. As you can see in the pictures his truck was smashed really bad. There was a van coming up in the opposite direction from us. A woman got out to help. I was still back by the van. I saw her leaning in and touching the man and she started yelling, “Sir can you hear me”, and I was like shit he must still be alive if she is doing that. So I ran over there, my dad stopped traffic on our side. While I was running over there the trucker was pulling a box out of the truck that was on top of the man…apparently he had it in his back seat or floorboard and it flew up into the winshield and landed up on him….it had a jack in it…… I got over there and looked at him. I could see his stomach moving from his breathing. He was hunched over to the right leaning on the passenger side still in his seat belt, he couldn’t move. His elbow was sticking up…covered in blood and pieces of glass. I could hear him screaming “Help Me, Help Me”..at first I thought he couldn’t speak English because of the way he was talking. But as it went on I realized he sounded like that because of the accident. He was weezing loud. Well one thing that helped the most…is the woman that was in the van….was a registered nurse. I just listened to whatever she told me to do. She said we need to sit him up so he can breathe and we had to be careful of his neck. The passenger side door could open….she opened it. The passenger side seat had been knocked forward in the wreck and he was hunched over behind it. She was trying to pull the seat out, so I went over there and told her to let me do it….i pulled the seat out as far as could and she leaned into him and kept talking to him. She was asking him his name but he wasn’t saying it. There was a piece of mail in the truck that had his name on it. It was Amilio. She told him…Amilio I need you to try to sit up and he just kept saying he couldn’t….and he started screaming..”Oh my god im going to die….oh my god im dead”. She grabbed his hand and told him…can you squeeze your hand and he was saying no, but then his fingers started to move he was gaining a little bit of mobility. I went to the drivers side and she said we need to pick him up…I said ok and leaned in grabbed him in my arms and pulled him up being as careful with his neck as I could. He was screaming loud and over and over still kept saying he was going to die. Then I told him to look at me and he looked at me directly in the eyes and I told him, no my friend you aren’t going to die I can see life in your eyes. And right after that we could see the lights from the ambulance coming and I told him…here they come you are going to be fine professionals are coming. He was coughing up blood right into his lap and blood was pouring out of his nose….he had 3 gashes that I saw a couple on his forehead and one right beside his eye. The seat belt had broken his collarbone. He kept trying to lay back down but I had to hold him tight….when he would lean into my hand I would hold him up and he would scream from it….he would just scream My ARM….Oh my god…and the nurse asked him what was hurting and he said everything….and he kind of twisted and he said ohh my backkk my backkk….he couldn’t move his legs and the steering wheel was pressed on them. The paramedics pulled up and I held him while they pulled the steering wheel off his legs. They got the jaws of life out to open the door. The firedepartment came and the state patrol…..they had to call in a chopper to fly him here to corpus Christi because they didn’t have an ICU at the hospitals in that area. I watched while the chopper came and took him.. While I was holding the man in the truck I saw he was wearing and HEB uniform….and I figured he had just gotten off work. We drove over to the HEB and I told the manager what had happened so he could call the mans family and tell them what had happened. The sad thing about that was they told me he left to go home early from work. I am going to check up on him and see how he is doing. I feel very proud for helping him….they said we saved his life by sitting him up and keeping him from choking on his own blood. And I am proud to be the one that held onto him till the ambulance came.
The woman on the passenger side is the nurse I am on the drivers side in all white
The other guys truck
The paramedics arrived and I am picking glass of my arms