Sep 10, 2008 00:55
Im convinced the world will be ending shortly. Some unknown amount of time though. soon.
Everything is sooo fucked up and the government is just making it worse. Its cause of stupid ass people who want to try and correct mother nature instead of letting it take its course, the NATURAL course its supposed to. no chemicals or human made particles where theyre not supposed to be. what the hell? tiny mirror particles? you gotta be kidding me.
Hello panic attacks.
I dont want to die, i think im FAR too young. fuck you if you think im being the selfish one here. Recreating the big bang and possibly creating black holes within the earth with the possibility of the end of the world or sending us in a new dimension tonight?
cool. only not really.
On the OTHER hand...It will be a few short months (if the world still exists) before i am moving to Stevens Point to persue a career in the CNA department. I will be working in a consumer home for special needs patients. Taking care of them, taking them to movies, shopping, parks, and doing other such fun things with them. talk about exciting! Ive been wanting to do this for about 3 years now! I cant wait. My dad said "good, move here and maybe find a rich husband" I started geekin really bad.
Im really excited for this weekend also. Payday tomorrow, well technically today...but yaknow, havent really slept yet Looking for acid for a friend. Buying some nug, fruity pebbles to be exact, and im sharing my wealth with my friends, you better believe it. Maybe tyler will be able to join us? But no! he doesnt smoke. whatever.
Im not too sure about him though, i dont think i like him as much as i thought i did. Hes kinda a really big dickassdouchebag. But oddly enough i like him enough to date him? weiiiird. Im a hypocritical asshole sometimes. At least i embrace it.
I dont know if im just being a typical pothead right now, with the paranoia and shit but i feel like everyones always watching and judging me. And that people i hang out with dont really like me they just hang out with me to get me off their backs for a while. I really hate fake people. soooooo bad. And everyone here seems to be just as fake as the next. FUCK i cant wait to get out of this godforsaken town. I swear to GOD im going insane. Not like where people just arent having a good day or anything like that. I actually have some form of mental illness. Im LITTERALLY going insane, doing some completely off the wall shit, and just not giving a fuck. What exactly is happening to me?
I accidentally came across some tasty info in a lj community and it was about amy weinhouse...wierd.
"THC is a brain effecting drug, it can alter ones mind permanently. So, you don't overdose, but you can make yourself crazy and technically schizophrenic."