☄ Second Shot ☄ - Action

Sep 19, 2010 04:35

[Sometime around midday, Niko can be found, laying back, on the ground, near a tree (Facing the tree), for no real obvious reason. Once you pay some more attention to him, you might notice a few squirrels standing around him, and every so often...poke at him. Look at his face, and you'll notice a big red, and painful looking spot on his forehead.

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☇ Alf, ☇ Razette, he runs into everything, totally a tree fan...pfft, the squirrels freaked him out, ☇ Rachel, alf is going to make fun of him, ☇ Aldo, talking moooonsters, no one told him animals talk, ☇ Kantarou

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[ action ] 1/2 hakoiri September 19 2010, 16:14:10 UTC
[ A familiar body laying prone near a tree!? ]


[ action ] hakoiri September 19 2010, 16:14:33 UTC
[ Alf rushes over to the body's side, careful not to step on any squirrels, though his concerns are quickly quashed when he examines the damage. Big, red spot on forehead, facing a tree . . . ]

Niko . . .


[ action ] bang_ihaveagun September 19 2010, 17:59:03 UTC
[Hello Alf. Niko will just keep sleeping if you're not going to do anything!]


[ action ] hakoiri September 19 2010, 18:51:07 UTC
[ More like keep being knocked out. But that bruise needs to be tended to, so Alf puts a hand on Niko's shoulder and shakes it, gently. ]

Wake up, Niko.


[ action ] bang_ihaveagun September 19 2010, 18:52:18 UTC
[Either way, he is out, which means a gentle shake won't do much of anything.]


[ action ] hakoiri September 19 2010, 19:00:20 UTC
[ Eesa, this man's hopeless. He gives one more shake, this time harder but not too harshly. If he's going to stay out, Alf's going to camp out here or something. ]


[ action ] bang_ihaveagun September 19 2010, 19:04:17 UTC
[Only a little hopeless, since that shake wakes him up...a little. He'll just make an annoyed sound, and move to rub his forehead.]


[ action ] hakoiri September 19 2010, 19:18:38 UTC
[ Heavens be, a sign of life! He pulls his hand away. Maybe more sound will do the trick. ]



[ action ] bang_ihaveagun September 19 2010, 19:25:19 UTC
[More sound just makes him wince. He has a headache, thank you!]



[ action ] hakoiri September 19 2010, 20:01:19 UTC
[ Corporal. Wake up. ]

Not awake yet?


[ action ] bang_ihaveagun September 19 2010, 20:03:10 UTC
I'm awake. [Sorta...kind of..He's still just holding his forehead right now, because OW]


[ action ] hakoiri September 19 2010, 21:43:21 UTC
[ Oh, good. He leans back to give Niko more room. ]

How are you feeling? You're sporting a rather nasty bruise.


[ action ] bang_ihaveagun September 19 2010, 21:50:07 UTC
My head hurts.

[Obvious question gets an obvious answer.]


[ action ] hakoiri September 19 2010, 21:53:12 UTC
[ Be glad he's not asking how he got it. ]

We should return to the apartment and take care of it there.


[ action ] bang_ihaveagun September 19 2010, 21:58:03 UTC
[The squirrels might be a good hint, but he's not gonna sit up yet.]

I'll be okay.


[ action ] hakoiri September 19 2010, 22:04:38 UTC
If you say so.

[ Then he'll just hang around and provide company; he sits on the ground next to Niko. ]

It's pretty hot today.


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