☄ Third Shot ☄ - Voice / Action -Backdated to the 15th

Oct 16, 2010 00:58

I think this place really does hate me..

[The fact that he's laying outside, on the ground, in the rain, in plain sight of anybody strange enough to be walking around in the rain. Nothing too weird right? Besides the laying in the rain...and the obvious lack of shoes.

Come closer though and you might see that he looks like he just lost the worst one- ( Read more... )

☇ Alf, ☇ Nami, life hates him, ☇ Razette, ☇ Rachel, ow my face, this place is just scary, baad luck, don't ask him questions

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[ voice ] hakoiri October 16 2010, 23:36:32 UTC
[ Having left the journal open in the case of a message, he immediately grabs it and listens to that familiar voice. ]


[ He rises from his seat within the apartment. Time to leave. ]

Hold on, I'm coming -- where are you?


[ voice ] bang_ihaveagun October 16 2010, 23:47:41 UTC
[But he has nothing to hold on too..]

Uh...close to the community building.


[ voice - action ] hakoiri October 16 2010, 23:52:13 UTC
[ Hold onto the ground. But, surely, he must be hurting. Honestly, Alf expected Niko to be louder. ]

I'll be there.

[ The journal closes. Forget the rain and an umbrella, he heads out in hopes of finding his friend quickly. ]


[ voice - action ] bang_ihaveagun October 17 2010, 00:00:22 UTC
[But the ground is wet and muddy...After a week, the loudness can run out. Just give him a day or two.]


[Good man Alf, Niko won't be moving at all 'till he's found.]


[ action ] hakoiri October 17 2010, 00:09:01 UTC
[ That is a day too long!

Alf nearly slips in his haste when he exits the community building. He catches himself from falling, and once he straightens he plunges straight into the rainy weather.

Please hold . . .

A few minutes later, he spots red, though with some difficulty thanks to all that water. But it's enough for him to come sprinting over. ]



[ action ] bang_ihaveagun October 17 2010, 00:17:13 UTC
[...Alf falling in the mud would've been something very funny to see.

Niko will just wave a little when he hears him. Hello!]


[ action ] hakoiri October 17 2010, 00:22:29 UTC
[ Maybe if he got body slammed to the ground by a certain dead weight . . .

It is Niko. He closes the last bit of distance between them, and wipes his face with a hand to clear away some water. He crouches down. ]

Are you all right? [ A pause. That's a stupid question. ] No, never mind that for now. We need to get you back inside.


[ action ] bang_ihaveagun October 17 2010, 00:39:31 UTC
[Well, he probably weighs a bit more than Alf, so that is possible.

But Niko will just smile when he sees Alf.]

I'm gonna need some help with that. [He's tried...and it didn't end well by himself.]


[ action ] hakoiri October 17 2010, 00:55:09 UTC
[ Amazingly, they weigh the same even if Alf is taller. But same is as good as heavier when one slips, oho.

Alf takes the moment to take in Niko's full condition, which is when he notices the lack of shoes. He offers a shoulder. ]

Here. You can lean on me.


[ action ] bang_ihaveagun October 17 2010, 01:06:13 UTC
small>[Lots of mud and rain help with the weight. And geez, why is everybody younger than him, but still taller than him?

And well, that's not going to work very well. He's lacking any coordination at all right now.]


[ action ] hakoiri October 17 2010, 01:13:11 UTC
[ He's taller than all the girls, including Freya! And Dynos.

Noticing the lack of much movement, he straightens again. ]

Is it not going to work?


[ action ] bang_ihaveagun October 17 2010, 01:22:02 UTC
[All the girls are midgets. And Dynos is pretty enough to count as a girl.

A headshake and a wince. It's really just his head.]


[ action ] hakoiri October 17 2010, 01:32:09 UTC
[ Are not! At least Niko isn't manorexic like he is.

He offers the shoulder again. If L'Arc can do it, Alf can do it, too. He hopes. ]

Then let's give it a try. The sooner you're out of this rain, the better.


[ action ] bang_ihaveagun October 17 2010, 01:49:18 UTC
[Are too! Have you ever seen little boys in that game? I sure haven't, and I've looked! That sounds worse than it is, I promise.

That barely even worked for L'arc, but Niko will be trying his best to grab on at least.]

...I know. [Watch him catch a cold either way though, because this place hates him.]


[ action ] hakoiri October 17 2010, 03:44:56 UTC
[ . . . Point taken.

To make sure Niko doesn't slip off, Alf grips the arm around his shoulder tightly. He can do this. Rain doesn't bother him. ]

Our place isn't too far from here. The rain will hinder us, but we should be able to make it back before long.


[ action ] bang_ihaveagun October 17 2010, 03:55:48 UTC
[And now the next time you play it, you'll be looking for it~

Well it's bothering Niko. Rain makes it twice as hard to told on to things. He'll just nod though. He just wants to lay back down.]


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