Dec 29, 2004 03:44
She doesnt even exist.
Now listen, this is my favorite part. The girl with the broken stilleto crys and crazes under a streetlight, like a fucking war hero. And the wrong boy always follows her, the underacheiver, the sweet one you'd never expect. The audience applauds as she falls victim to his innocence. They should sell protein like they sell movie romances. In my movie the jock with a two-toned face would find her and the movie would end with bloody lips, handprints of faces, and a marriage resulting in domestic violence. But I guess american cinema hasnt become that desensitized to the factual outcomes of swinging fists and love-making. I mean, Don't you ever watch COPS?
I'm going back to Nineteen Hundred and Fifty Six. Nothing bad can ever happen to you there.
Today we did nothing but take naps to The Jungle Book, and had several run-ins with O'malley the alley cat. Hibernation :)